QLD All Schools 2020 Update #3

Friday 18 September

Queensland Touch Football and the Queensland All Schools (QAS) are dedicated to providing a safe environment for all attendees. The event complies with a Queensland Government approved Industry COVID Safe Plan – Field Sports and will have COVIDSafe preventative measures in place throughout the event.

With just over two weeks to go, we wanted to take the opportunity to remind all attendees of the COVIDSafe practices that will be in place throughout the event. We ask all attendees to respect these requirements as we all have a part to play in creating a COVIDSafe environment.

Unfortunately, no spectators will be allowed to attend the event. Parents may drop off, pick up their child and carry out any activity deemed necessary to ensure their safety (i.e. waiting with them until a teacher arrives at the venue etc). To avoid unnecessary congregation, Parents who linger to watch games will be asked to move on.

Field 1 will be livestreamed on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 October and is available to watch here on the QAS Website, QTF Facebook or QTF Youtube page.

A gentle reminder to all attendees to stay COVIDSafe by following these simple steps:

  • Check-In and Check-Out of the venue each day with the QR Codes (Schools must provide team lists to the Tournament Director)
  • Adhere to strict physical distancing measures of 1.5m off the field of play
  • Maintain strict hygiene practices (i.e sanitise hands regularly, don’t share equipment or water bottles)
  • Follow all venue signage around the grounds
  • Stay home if you’re feeling unwell
  • Avoid unnecessary congregation


If you’d like further information on our COVIDSafe practices – click here.

A final draw – version 5 will be available the week 28 September and all results will be viewable here.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to what will be another great touch football event for students.

If you have any queries or question, please contact the Tournament Director, Peter Bell via peter.bell@qldtouch.com.au.

Kind regards,

Peter Bell
Tournament Director