Wednesday 22 July 2020
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the World All Schools 2020 event has been postponed indefinitely. Australia’s borders remain closed to international visitors, which has immediately seen the withdrawal of all international teams and indirectly impacted many interstate teams participating at the event. During unprecedented and challenging times and given the long-term uncertainty of the border closure, we inevitably had to make this difficult decision.
The good news, however, is that the Queensland All Schools (QAS) event will proceed in a modified COVID Safe format between Wednesday 7 – Sunday 11 October 2020, for teams 13s, 15s and 18s who registered for the World All Schools as originally planned. While we are planning the event will go ahead, there are still local government approvals pending. We must also ensure we can create a COVID Safe event and adhere to the required state government restrictions.
Tournament Director, Peter Bell, has completed a draft draw and is working on a modified version to meet the requirements outlined in the Industry COVID Safe Plan – Field Sports. To avoid unnecessary congregation and large groups, spectators will be prohibited on site during the event. We will provide further information and specifics regarding these changes in the coming weeks.
Please note that due to the inability (in most cases) of Preliminary games to be played prior to the event, we will not be adding any ‘new’ teams to this event. Our team numbers still stand at over 380 which makes it very difficult to squeeze all the games into the schedule and ensure a COVID safe event.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. We will provide further updates as more information becomes available.
If you have any queries or question, please contact the Tournament Director, Peter Bell via
Kind regards,
Peter Bell
Tournament Director